Friday, September 21, 2007
Cookie Day
We decided to make cookies one day this week and the kids had a great time. Carson helped from start to finish. He helped make the dough and roll it out and then he got to frost and decorate one just for Daddy. I couldn't believe it, but he really did save it for him and he didn't even try to take a taste. Madelyn couldn't get the frosting on hers fast enough. It was time to eat before we even got the the sprinkles out. She did take a break to shake a pile of sprinkles on, however. It was a crack-up to watch her try different ways of eating to avoid getting her fingers messy.
It's abstract art in the form of a cookie
This way works okay, but my fingers get messy
This way is even messier
Here's the ticket
Mmmm-mmm good
Friday, September 7, 2007
It's Groundbreaking!!
It's finally happened!! We broke ground for our new house today!!! Yipeeeeee!! Jeremy's friend, Bill, came out today to dig the foundation and the driveway. I couldn't help but load the kids up and drive over there to capture the momentous occasion! I am creating a new blog just for the new house building process. I'll create a link from here.
The ground-breaking begins
Madelyn watches from afar at first
While Carson goes right in and starts helping Dad and Bill
Madelyn eventually joins in and begins to "help" by kicking some dirt around with her big brother
Time to take a rest in what will be our entry area
Carson shows off his strength on the dirt pile
Here's the house all dug out!! Madelyn is standing in the study
I joined her in the study for a bit
Boys will be boys...Carson enjoyed catching a snake.
First Day of school
Well, it's that time of year again....already. Carson was anxious to get back to school and see all of his friends. He had a great week. He is super excited that his oldest buddy, Nate, is in his class this year. They got along great and helped eachother build stuff and of course, played Star Wars!!!
He's ready to go...LEGO's in hand
Madelyn takes a break on the ground just long enough to get her skirt dirty.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Fountain Play
We spent a great afternoon with Kersten and Karter last week. We took advantage of the hot sun and went to the City Park fountain and played in the cool water. Carson didn't hesitate to get right in and get soaked. Madelyn took it a little slower. Miss Karter is walking like crazy now and loves to be in the water and play with her friend Madelyn. They were so fun to watch.

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